Department/Section: HR/training and development section
Company Supervisor: Ramani Gurusinghe
Work Assignment:
Today I started my day looking at rating performance appraisal sheet for an employee who is working in Emirates Golf which was given to me by Mr. Stephen Wangai –it was very useful for me ,because I do studied in college about different performance appraisal methods but I have no chance to see how those performance appraisal methods look like in reality and why do the companies use them -They do use rating performance appraisal method to evaluate the company employees perform in different departments and situations-also they do use supervisors and customers feedbacks to evaluate employees performance which is considered to be very useful method in most companies-then we discussed training and development in Hospitality Company like Dubai Golf- we discussed how do Dubai Golf promote the employees and treat all employees fairly and equally without looking at their nationalities-after that Mr. Stephen Wangai gave me the chance to ask questions and I did ask lots of questions and he answered all of my questions which benefit me a lot-after that I spend the rest of my day entering the date of the new employees to the company training system which was very interesting for me-before leaving my supervisor asked me to come to her office –she praised me and she said that she is very pleased and happy with my performance during the trips and the induction which make me very happy and encouraged me to work harder during my work placement period- Moreover, that make me think seriously about joining Dubai Golf after graduation.